2014年4月28日 星期一

張俊哲暨 LGD@NTU 同仁研究成果 (2002-2014)

I. 近五年著作 ( 2009 8 月升副教授迄今)
[1] Lin, G.W., Cook, C.E., Miura, T.*, and Chang, C-c.* (2014) Posterior localization of ApVas1 positions the preformed germ plasm in the sexual oviparous pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum. EvoDevo (accepted) (SCI; IF: 3.914, 10/41 (Developmental Biology))
[2] Chung, C.Y., Cook, C.E., Lin, G.W., Huang, T.Y., and Chang, C-c.* (2014) Reliable protocols for whole-mount fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum: a comprehensive survey and analysis. Insect Science, doi: 10.1111/1744-7917.12086 (SCI; IF: 1.786, 24/87=27.6% (Entomology)) (封面)
[3] Chung, C.Y., Chen, J.H., and Chang, C-c.* (2014) Appum, a Drosophila homolog of pumilio in the pea aphid: cloning, developmental expression, and presumptive roles in posterior patterning. Formosan Entomologist, 33: 237-252.
[4] Hsiao, Y. M., Lin, G.W., and Chang, C-c.* (2014) Establishment of the pea aphid as a developmental model organism: history, significance, and future prospects (in Chinese). Formosan Entomologist, 33: 215-235. (封面)
[5] Chang, C-c.*, Hsiao, Y.M., Huang, T.Y., Cook, C.E., Shigenobu, S.; Chang, T.H. (2013) Noncanonical expression of caudal during early embryogenesis in the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum: maternal cad-driven posterior development is not conserved. Insect Molecular Biology, 22: 442–455. doi: 10.1111/imb.12035 (SCI; IF: 3.044, 3/87=3.45% (Entomology)) (被選為 2014 年封面) (代表著作)
[6] Lu, H.L., Tanguy, S., Rispe, C., Gauthier, J., Walsh, T., Gordon, K., Edwards, O., Tagu, D., Chang, C-c.*, Jaubert-Possamai, S.* (2011) Expansion of genes encoding piRNA-associated Argonaute proteins in the pea aphid: diversification of expression profiles in different plastic morphs. PLoS ONE 6(12): e28051. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028051 (SCI; IF: 3.730. 7/56=12.5% (Multidisciplinary Sciences))
[7] Huang, T.Y., Cook, C.E., Davis G.K., Shigenobu S., Chen R.P.-Y., and Chang C-c.* (2010) Anterior development in the parthenogenetic and viviparous form of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum: hunchback and orthodenticle expression. Insect Molecular Biology 19: 75-85. (SCI; IF: 3.044, 3/87=3.45% (Entomology))

[8] Shigenobu S.*, Bickel, R.D., Brisson, J.A., Butts, T., Chang, C-c. et al. (2010) Comprehensive survey of developmental genes in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum: frequent lineage-specific duplications and losses of developmental genes. Insect Molecular Biology 19: 47-62. (SCI; IF: 3.044, 3/87=3.45% (Entomology))
[9] The International Aphid Genomics Consortium (2010) Genome sequence of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum. PLoS Biology 8(2): e1000313. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000313. (SCI; IF: 12.690, 1/83=1.2% (Biology)) (封面)
[10] Chen, Y.C., Wu, B.C., Chu, C.Y., Cheng, C.H., Han, H.W., Chen, G.D., Lee, M.T., Hwang, P.P., Kawakami, K., Chang, C-c., and Huang, C.J.* (2010) Identification and characterization of alternative promoters of zebrafish Rtn-4/Nogo genes in cultured cells and zebrafish embryos. Nucleic Acids Research 38:4635-4650. (SCI; IF: 8.278, 27/290=9.31% (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology))

II. 其他參考著作
擔任助理教授期間 (2003 8 – 2009 7 )
[11] Chang, C-c.*, Huang, T.Y., Cook, C.E., Lin, G.W., Shih, C.L., and Chen, R.P.-Y. (2009) Developmental expression of Apnanos during oogenesis and embryogenesis in the parthenogenetic pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea). International Journal of Developmental Biology 53: 169-176. (SCI; IF: 2.614, 24/40=60% (Developmental Biology); [2008] IF: 2.359, 21/38=55.2% (Developmental Biology))
[12] Tsai, Y.C., Solter, L.F., Wang, C.Y., Fan, H.S., Chang, C-c.*, and Wang, C.H.* (2009) Morphological and molecular studies of a microsporidium (Nosema sp.) isolated from the three spot grass yellow butterfly, Eurema blanda arsakia (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 100: 85-93. (SCI; IF: 2.669, 16/151=10.6% (Zoology); [2008] IF: 2.005, 20/125=16% (Zoology))
[13] Mito, T., Nakamura, T., Sarashina, I., Chang, C-c., Ogawa, S., Ohuchi, H., and Noji, T.* (2008) Dynamic expression patterns of vasa during embryogenesisin the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Development Genes Evolution 218: 381-387. (SCI; IF: 1.695, 24/40=87.5% (Developmental Biology); [2008] IF: 2.171, 26/38=68.4% (Developmental Biology))  
[14] Chang, C-c.*, Huang, T.Y., Shih, C.L., Lin, G.W., Chang, T.P., Chiu, H., Chang, W.C. (2008) Whole-mount identification of gene transcripts in aphids: Protocols and evaluation of probe accessibility. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 68: 186-96. (SCI; IF: 1.515, 29/87=33.3% (Entomology); [2008] IF: 1.274, 21/72=29.2% (Entomology))
[15] Chang, C-c.*, Chiu, H., and Lee, H.J. (2008) Identification of nuage-like structures in the panoistic ovarioles of the German cockroach Blattella germanica (Linnaeus). Formosan Entomologist 28: 1-10. (封面)
[16] Lin, G.W., Lu, S.L., Huang, T.Y., Shih, C.L., Wu, W.J.*, and Chang, C-c.* (2008) Molecular identification of weevils significant for customs inspection and quarantine importance. Formosan Entomologist 28: 43-55. (in Chinese)
[17] Chang, C-c.*, Lin, G.W., Cook, C.E., Horng, S.B., Lee, H.J. and Huang, T.Y. (2007) Apvasa marks germ-cell migration in the parthenogenetic pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea). Development Genes Evolution 217: 275–287 (SCI; IF: 1.695, 24/40=87.5% (Developmental Biology); [2007]: IF: 2.068, 24/37=64.9% (Developmental Biology))
[18] Chang, C-c.*, Lee, W.C., Cook, C.E., Lin, G.W., and Chang, T. (2006) Germ-plasm specification and germline development in the parthenogenetic pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum: Vasa and Nanos as markers. International Journal of Developmental Biology 50: 413-421. (封面) (SCI; IF: 2.614, 24/40=60% (Developmental Biology); [2006]: IF: 3.577, 9/34=26.4% (Developmental Biology))

由博士論文研究所發表之論文 (2002 )
[19] Chang, C-c., Dearden, P., and Akam, M.* (2002) Germline development in the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria: Vasa as a marker. Developmental Biology 252: 110-118. (封面) (SCI; IF: 3.868, 11/41=26.8% (Developmental Biology); [2002]: IF: 5.194, 7/33=21.2% (Developmental Biology))

[20] Chang, C-c. and Cook, C.E.* (2002) Trends in genomic “evo-devo". 3 (7): reports 4019.1-4019.2. Genome Biology. (SCI; IF: 10.288, 4/160=2.5% (Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology))

2014年4月8日 星期二

超越恐懼 (Beyond the Fear) - 臺大教學發展中心電子報第 74 期編輯手札

文/張俊哲 (臺大昆蟲學系副教授)


  "Why, you may take the most gallant sailor, the most intrepid airman or the most audacious soldier, put them at a table together - what do you get? The sum of their fears. —Winston Churchill" 

  我想如果這一期的編輯手札沒有和大家聊到近日的學生運動,教學發展中心的電子報大概會被鄉民冠以「象牙塔報」或「天龍國報」之類的暱稱。政治的議題當然不在我們討論的範圍,但學生是教學活動的重要主體,我們不得不關心。我沒有社會學或是政治學的專業,無法由相關的角度來解析這次的群眾運動,但隨著聽到陸續有學生前去參與,我再也忍不住詢問他們的動機。果不其然,他們和課堂的表現差不多:要他們拼出琅琅上口的 “DNA” 英文全名,大概有二分之一的學生答不出;要請他們說出「服貿」的正式全名為「海峽兩岸服務貿易協議」的比例更低。為何他們會熱衷於一個連自己都拼不出全名的群眾運動?就我的觀察,他們似乎找到了一個可以認同彼此、交換感覺的地方,而這個交集就是 – 「恐懼」:恐懼出路 (含國家與個人)、恐懼低薪、甚至恐懼吃苦和恐懼即將到來的期中考試。就某些層面而言,同學們或許離英國首相邱吉爾口中的勇士相當接近,亦或許尚有一段距離;但毫無疑問地,他們聚集也是一種「恐懼的總和」,而持不同意見者也只是「另一種的恐懼總和」,就連許多的旁觀者亦無法倖免於恐懼。

  就除去恐懼的角度而言,在群眾運動當中,抗爭者和抗爭對象間的互信至為關鍵;而在課堂當中,若老師的評分機制能公正公允,且能在開學之初即「取信於民」,同學們對「黑箱評分」之恐懼自然能大幅降低。我們非常感謝生科系于宏燦老師能分享多年所累積之評分寶貴經驗,讓老師們能更明白如何在「制度」和 「態度」這兩個面向著力,使得成績不僅是分數上的公平,更能反映出學生的努力程度。令人激賞的是,于老師力倡「評分為達到教學目標的手段」,藉由創意的評分方式,激發同學之學習意願。這對僅把「評分」和「改考卷」劃上等號的老師 (當然包括我在內),可說是相當受用的新思維。其實我也非常鼓勵同學詳讀本文,保證在短時間內對解開老師的「評分心理學」,會有大幅度的進步。

  我可以理解同學們面對不安的未來所產生的心理恐慌,但我也要善意地提醒同學:沒有那一個世代的年輕人面對未來而不恐慌;恐懼可以是抱怨的理由,但絕非是消極怠惰的藉口。特別是台大的同學,更不要忘了 18 歲時的勝利,絕不能保證你在 22 歲畢業時仍是「人生勝利組」。更重要的是,不要忘了自己是「台大人」,在享有最充沛的教育資源的同時,應有肩負未來國家社會發展的責任,把握每一天寶貴的學習機會,好好地充實自己。這樣的說法聽似八股,但事實上絕不八股。我上述「倚老賣老」的說法,可呼應陳宏宇老師在「新一技之長」所提到的實例:陳老師在劍橋大學擔任訪問學者期間,巧遇一位該校划船隊代表;陳老師對於這位同學能在天寒地凍的環境中五點起床接受體能訓練後,仍能和其他同學一樣準時出席早上九點的課感到好奇和欽佩;他請教這位同學為何能夠如此精實的原因,竟然只得到「劍橋耶!」這樣簡短又震撼的答案。我想不僅是陳老師,應有很多的老師都深刻期盼同學們能夠以「我是台大耶!」的心情來驅策自己,以不辜負社會之殷殷期許。

  在校園杜鵑花逐漸凋零之際,沒有想到太陽花竟然會在這樣的時節和時局中出現,真是令人百感交集。就植物本身而言,所有的花—當然也包括太陽花—都應在大自然中搖曳生姿,且依時節繽紛綻放;而今,各式各樣的花朵竟成了群眾運動心理與精神的寄託,希望藉由花種的認同,提高認同感,同時也稀釋恐懼感。這或許是另一種「恐懼總合」的昇華吧!然而很不幸地是:恐懼有如流感病毒般地具有高度的傳染力,逃避和抱怨成了它傳播的載體。雖說「超越恐懼 (beyond the fear),才能克服恐懼 (over the fear)」,但如果你問我如何能真正超越恐懼?我目前最誠實的答案恐怕是:I don’t know (我不知道)。但若是面對困難時能有一些解決問題的答案與建議,恐懼感應會隨之降低。因此,除了有關「評分」和「一技之長」的良方,本期電子報尚有解決「學習資料結構與演算法瓶頸」 (參見「資訊人的入門招式」/林軒田) 和「傳統教學困境」 (參見「開放,讓世界更美好」/謝瑞齡、康仕仲;「ISW 課程與有效教學結構 BOPPPS 的運用/陳欽洲」) 的優質建議,在此亦一併誠懇推薦。

  其實,不願誠實地面對恐懼,其後果可能比恐懼的本身更加恐懼。如果連最勇敢的水手、無畏的飛行員、大膽的士兵都不能免於恐懼,持不同意見的雙方何不以「恐懼」為最大公約數展開溝通,異中求同,有智慧地和平解決問題。或許我太浪漫,但浪漫應是教育者的 DNA,也是花朵情感的歸宿。

2014. 4. 2