2013年5月17日 星期五

The NTU Style : 蚜蟲成為新興發育模式物種的故事


全文請詳閱 "台大校友雙月刊 87 期"

張俊哲老師團隊之研究成果 (2002-2013)


* 通訊作者

+ 等同貢獻

Chang, C-c.*; Hsiao, Y. M.; Huang, T. Y.; Cook, C. E.; Shigenobu, S.; Chang, T. H. (2013) Noncanonical expression of caudal during early embryogenesis in the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum: maternal cad-driven posterior development is not conserved. Insect Molecular Biology  (in press) (SCI)

Lu, H. L., Tanguy, S., Rispe, C., Gauthier, J., Walsh, T., Gordon, K., Edwards, O., Tagu, D.Chang, C-c.*, Jaubert-Possamai, S.* (2011) Expansion of Genes Encoding piRNA-Associated Argonaute Proteins in the Pea Aphid: Diversification of Expression Profiles in Different Plastic Morphs. PLoS ONE 6(12): e28051. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028051 (* co-corresponding authors)

Yi-Chung Chen, Bo-Kai Wu, Cheng-Ying Chu, Chia-Hsiung Cheng, Hau-Wei Han, Gen-Der Chen, Ming-Ting Lee, Pung-Pung Hwang, Koichi Kawakami, Chun-Che Chang, and Chang-Jen Huang* (2010) Identification and characterization of alternative promoters of zebrafish Rtn-4/Nogo genes in cultured cells and zebrafish embryos. Nucleic Acids Research 38:4635-4650. (SCI)

The International Aphid Genomics Consortium (2010) Genome Sequence of the Pea Aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum. PLoS Biology 8(2): e1000313. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000313. (Chun-che Chang is designated as a leader of the germline gene annotation group in the paper; Cover story; cover image of this issue is contributed by the Chang Lab) (SCI)

Ting-Yu Huang, Charles E. Cook, Gregory K. Davis, Shuji Shigenobu, Rita P.-Y. Chen, and Chun-che Chang* (2010) Anterior development in the parthenogenetic and viviparous form of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisumhunchback and orthodenticle expression. Insect Molecular Biology 19: 75-85. (SCI)

Shuji Shigenobu*, R. D. Bickel, J. A. Brisson, T. Butts, C.-c. Chang et al. (2010) Comprehensive survey of developmental genes in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum: frequent lineage-specific duplications and losses of developmental genes. Insect Molecular Biology 19: 47-62.

Yi-Chun Tsai, Leellen F. Solter, Chih-Yuan Wang, Huai-Sheng Fan, Chun-che Chang*, Chung-Hsiung Wang* (2009) Morphological and molecular studies of a microsporidium (Nosema sp.) isolated from the three spot grass yellow butterfly, Eurema blanda arsakia (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 100: 85-93. (SCI)

Chun-che Chang*, Ting-Yu Huang, Charles E. Cook, Gee-Way Lin, Chun-Liang Shih, and Rita P.-Y. Chen (2009) Developmental expression of Apnanos during oogenesis and embryogenesis in the parthenogenetic pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea). International Journal of Developmental Biology 53: 169-176. (SCI)

Taro Mito, Taro Nakamura, Isao Sarashina, Chun-che Chang, Shotaro Ogawa, Hideyo Ohuchi, and Sumihare Noji (2008) Dynamic expression patterns of vasa during embryogenesisin the cricket Gryllus bimaculatusDevelopment Genes Evolution 218: 381-387. (SCI)

Chun-che Chang*, Ting-Yu Huang, Chun-Liang Shih, Gee-Way Lin, Te-Pin Chang, Hui Chiu, Wen-Chang Chang (2008) Whole-mount identification of gene transcripts in aphids: Protocols and evaluation of probe accessibility. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 68: 186-96. (SCI)

Chun-che Chang*, Hui Chiu, and How-Jing Lee (2008) Identification of nuage-like structures in the panoistic ovarioles of the German cockroach Blattella germanica (Linnaeus). Formosan Entomologist 28: 1-10. (Cover story)

Gee-Way Lin, Shau-Lin Lu, Ting-Yu Huang, Chun-Liang Shih, Wen-Jer Wu*, and Chun-che Chang* (2008) Molecular identification of weevils significant for customs inspection and quarantine importance. Formosan Entomologist 28: 43-55. (This paper was written in Chinese)

Chun-che Chang*, Gee-way Lin, Charles E. Cook, Shwu-bin Horng, How-jing Lee and Ting-yu Huang (2007) Apvasa marks germ-cell migration in the parthenogenetic pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea). Development Genes Evolution 217: 275–287 (SCI)

Chun-che Chang*, Wen-chih Lee, Charles E. Cook, Gee-way Lin, and Tschining Chang (2006) Germ-plasm specification and germline development in the parthenogenetic pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum: Vasa and Nanos as markers. International Journal of Developmental Biology 50: 413-421. (Cover story
; cited by Cell (2006) and PNAS (2007)) (SCI)

 (2003 年以前的發表)
Chun-che Chang, Peter Dearden, and Michael Akam* (2002) Germline development in the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria: Vasa as a marker. Developmental Biology 252: 110-118. (SCI) (Cover story)

Chun-che Chang and Charles E. Cook* (2002) Trends in genomic “evo-devo". 3 (7): reports 4019.1-4019.2. Genome Biology. (peer-reviewed) (SCI)

2013年5月3日 星期五

“Ask Why”,讓學習變得更有趣!(推薦序)

在臺大教授分子生物學 (分生的過程中,我經常挑戰學生兩件事:
(1) 請捫心自問,有沒有把握將 ”DNA”  ”RNA” 的英文全名正確地寫出來?
(2) 請捫心自問,背了那麼多的專有名詞 (含縮寫,對於實際從事實驗工作,到底有多少的幫助?

讓我驚訝的是:就算已經明白地表示寫出 DNA  RNA 的英文全名,將是期中考的必考題,但仍有為數不少的同學無法將 “deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)” 或是 “ribonucleic acid (RNA)” 一字不差地答出。更令人百思不解的是:就算明知死背專有名詞無助於實驗的設計與進行,許多同學仍在考試前囫圇吞棗地記了一堆不知所云的英文專有名詞,希望腦中的暫存記憶,能提高猜中答案的機率。當然,這樣的學習態度不可能獲致令人滿意的成績。但更大的副作用還在後頭:同學們對分生漸行漸遠,不僅萌生退意,甚至產生了敵意!

為何同學們不願腳踏實地治學,以及主動釐清分子反應機制?重要的關鍵之一,在於興趣缺缺。實際上,這樣的問題並非僅存於分生一科,許多科目的學習瓶頸亦頗為類似。究其個中原因,我發現同學們仍把大一、大二、大三,當作高四、高五、高六,沿襲被動的學習方式,習慣「等待標準答案」,而非主動發掘答案。講得更明白些,同學們已習於、惰於、甚至懼於 “Ask Why (問為什麼)”。因為 “Ask Why” 在準備升學考試的過程,似乎效用不大,甚至曾經試著想 “Ask Why” 而被老師潑冷水的同學,亦不乏其人。就我個人的觀察,一旦在學習的過程停止 “Ask Why”,接下來連思考 “Why Me (為何是我?)” 的動力都會大幅下降。如此一來書讀不懂,又逃避面對自己、面對人生,自然而然地會選擇 「面對電腦」。然而,對於解決學習和人生的問題卻幾乎沒有助益。

我很高興看到武村政春博士繼《世界第一簡單分子生物學》,又推出《小時讀通 DNA 誕生之謎》這本極富創意的大作。這本書最大的特色,就是不斷地以 “Ask Why” 引導讀者瞭解 DNA 的真面目。同時,藉由不斷地 “Ask Why”,啟發大家想更進一步探索 DNA 的強烈動機。不約而同地,近幾年改版的分生或遺傳學原文教科書,紛紛以更顯著的篇幅介紹科學家與他 (們的科學貢獻,甚至在每章另闢專欄作頗為詳盡的介紹。武村博士這本新著,乃是以更生動的筆觸,佐以最親切活潑的插畫,將從事 DNA  RNA 研究的科學家以及其研究成果,呈現於讀者眼前。難能可貴的是:藉由 “Ask Why”,把科學家們曾經想過,或還正在構思的理論,和讀者們分享。

由於教育的普及,大部分的同學在國中階段就學到了 DNA,接著高中再多學一些;到了大一的普通生物學和大二的生物化學又再學了一遍 “進階英文版的 DNA”。因此,到了大三的分生課程,許多同學們一開始對於學習 DNA 的構造和化學特性都掉以輕心,以為只是炒冷飯。等到察覺有許多的重點是以前未曾釐清和吸收,不幸為時已晚,第一次的期中考自然慘遭滑鐵盧,只能等待第二、三次的期中考敗部復活。面對如此之 學習疲乏症候群,唯有改以經常 “Ask Why” 的學習方式,才能讓自己更加積極、更加謙卑地面對遺傳密碼的奧祕。武村博士這本饒富創意的大作,相信對於治癒 “DNA冷感症” 或是 “DNA恐懼症,應頗具療效。對於 DNA 的初學者,我相信您們一開始就會被武村博士 “Ask Why” 的學習方式啟發,再也不敢輕看 DNA 雙螺旋,並且產生濃厚的興趣,把具有超過三十億年歷史的 DNA,在三小時內先睹為快!

當然,我更期待讀者們接受、享受 “Ask Why” 這樣的學習方式後,能夠無所畏懼地挑戰 “Why Me” 的這個大哉問,進而開創更真誠積極的人生!
